Registration Forms
Registration dates for 2024
Registration for choreography categories closed on 27 October 2024, 9am.
Registration for freestyle and battle categories closed on 13 November, 9am.
Following close of registration, a detailed competition schedule will be posted online.
Choreography Categories
Registration for choreography categories closed at 9am on 27 October 2024.
Please allow us a few days to process your registration forms and complete the competition draw.
If you have completed a registration form but not yet purchased your pass, please do so asap. Any entries missing their pass purchase will be considered incomplete and not included in the competition draw.
If you are yet to send us your music, please do so asap. Any entries missing music submission will be considered incomplete and not included in the competition draw. Refer to instructions for music submission on the Register webpage.
Freestyle & Battle Categories
Registration for freestyle and battle categories closed on 13 November, 9am.
If you have completed a registration form but not yet purchased your pass, please do so asap. Any entries missing their pass purchase will be considered incomplete and not included in the competition draw.